
时间:2023-07-05 18:04:17 分类:工作心得体会




























我们登上平遥古城的城墙,极目远眺,大半个平遥县城一目了然。这座古城墙建造的非常宏伟壮观,让人惊叹不已。看完古城墙,我们前往第二站——县衙。不过十分钟,我们就到县衙了。县衙的大门看着高大威严,有一种严肃的感觉。进入县衙,气派的、辉煌的建筑,让我们赞叹不已、目不暇接。导游把我们带进了县衙的牢房,这里的牢房还分着等级呢。第一间是"标准间",是给普通犯人住的。第二间是"大床房",是给犯了罪的富人们住的。第三间是给死刑犯住的。接着去看刑具,看着那恐怖的刑具, 真让人心惊胆战。









the ancient city of phoenix, a national historical and cultural city, wasonce praised as one of the most beautiful small cities in china by the famousnew zealand writer louis ailey. it is adjacent to dehang miao village in jishou,mengdong river in yongshun and fanjing mountain in guizhou. it is the only waybetween huaihua, jishou and tongren. national highway 209 and hunan guizhouprovincial highway pass through the county. tongren daxing airport is only 27kilometers away from the county, with convenient transportation. phoenix hasbeautiful scenery, long history and many places of interest. inside the city,the elegant demeanor of ancient city buildings and ming and qing ancientcourtyards remains. the ancient and simple tuojiang river flows quietly. outsidethe city, there are nanhua mountain national forest park, qiliang cave, an artpalace under the city, huangsiqiao ancient city built in the tang dynasty, andthe world-famous southern great wall here is not only a beautiful scenery, butalso a place of outstanding people, famous and virtuous.

fenghuang mountain city, a beautiful small city, is located on the bank oftuojiang river, surrounded by mountains and magnificent passes. the green rivermeanders under the ancient city wall, and the verdant foothills of nanhuamountain reflect the center of the river. fishing boats count in the river,drums and bells ring in the mountains, the stilted building on the cliff issmoking, and the huansha girl beside the wharf is laughing ah, phoenix is like"a chinese landscape painting with thick ink and light color". when you strollthrough the ancient city's stone lined yanban street, the ancient buildings onboth sides embrace the terrain, row upon row, and the pavilions and pavilionsoverlap, like a dragon flying, like a fish spreading its wings. in the sound ofdrizzle, it seems that the cowhide spiked shoes of pilgrims knock on the street,making people feel isolated

shen congwen's former residence is located in nanzhongying street, which isa typical southern sihe ancient courtyard. there is a small patio in the middleof the ancient courtyard, which is paved with red stone slabs. the courtyard issurrounded by an ancient house of brick and wood structure, with three mainrooms and four wing rooms, a total of more than ten rooms. the house is smalland small. although there is no carved dragon and painted phoenix, it is smalland chic with antique flavor. in particular, the carved wooden windows withxiangxi characteristics are particularly eye-catching.

shen congwen was born here on december 28, 1902. it was here that he spenthis childhood. the former residence, which lasted more than 100 years, waspurchased by shen congwen's grandfather shen hongfu. due to the historicalevolution and several changes of ownership, in order to show respect for the oldman shen congwen, we should learn from his self-study spirit of diligentlearning, self-reliance, hard work and outstanding contribution to the nationalliterary cause, so as to inspire future generations. in 1988, the countypeople's government decided to buy back the house and renovate it. he took thedesign to beijing and sent it to shen congwen for approval. shen congwen was illand gave opinions on the design. he said: "if the house is rotten, it's betterto repair it, but you have to make do with it. it doesn't cost a lot of money.your hometown is still very poor, so you should try to save as much aspossible.".

after renovation, the hundred year old courtyard reappeared its originalappearance. now there is a plaque of "shen congwen's former residence" on thedoor. the first room on the right is a photo of shen congwen's life, the secondroom is shen congwen's manuscripts, and the left wing displays various versionsof his works. shen congwen's sketch is hanging in the middle of the main room.the left room is the bedroom, where shen congwen was born. the room on the rightdisplays desks with marble tabletops.

xiong xiling's former residence is located in an alley in beiwenxing streetof fenghuang ancient city. 200 meters to the east of his former residence is thebeautiful tuojiang river. the former residence is a siheyuan, a southern ancientstyle wooden tile structure, which is relatively small but very exquisite. theexisting four houses in the former residence are basically the originalappearance, which is rich in miao flavor. it is a key cultural relic protectionunit in the county. in the summer and autumn of 1917, there was a serious floodin beijing and tianjin. he was responsible for supervising the rehabilitation offlood river works, and presided over the fund-raising to relieve the victims. in1918, with the approval of the government, xiangshan jingyi garden wastransformed into a children's home for adoption and education of homelesschildren. he was in charge of the hospital for 20__ years. he wrote a poem:

ten thousand trees and peach blossoms are planted by their own hands.

children's month and flower are both long, and each of them twists theflower and laughs.

the ancestral hall of yang family was built in 1836. it is a quadranglecourtyard with wooden structure. it covers an area of 770 square meters andconsists of a gate, a stage, a hall, a gallery and a main hall. the stage is asingle eaves xieshan, under the eaves decorated with ruyi dougong, 16 metershigh, with four pillars carved with dragons and phoenixes. the stage is of thechuandou type, and the main hall is of the beam type. the whole building is offine workmanship and rich in national characteristics. it is a key culturalrelic protection unit of the county.

the ancestral hall of yang family is located on the wall of the ancientcity in the north east of the county. prince shaobao, marquis guo yong and yangfang, commander of zhengan, donated money to build it in 1836. the ancestralhall is composed of gate, stage, pavilion, gallery, main hall and wing room. itis a typical quadrangle building, covering an area of 770 square meters. thestage is a single eaves xieshan, with a structure of crossing a bucket. it is 16meters high, 7 meters wide and 8 meters deep. under the eaves, it is like a jadebucket arch, and the pillars are carved with dragons and phoenixes. the mainhall is a beam lifting building, and the gable is cat back arch, which isdivided into one bright room, two dark rooms. there are wing rooms on bothsides. the ancestral hall of yang family is exquisitely designed and made. thewindow, door and eaves ornaments are carved out. the whole building hasdistinctive national characteristics and high architectural art value.

the southern great wall of china is located in the border area of hunan andguizhou, from tongren of guizhou province to baojing of hunan province, with atotal length of more than 380 li. it was built in the 43rd year of wanli of mingdynasty (park 1615). after several renovations, it was shaped in the jiajingperiod of qing dynasty. its blockhouse wall is generally 2.3 meters high, 1.7meters wide at the base and 1 meter wide at the top. the wall is made of localmaterials, stones and shale. the middle is filled with rocks and mud, windingaround mountains and streams, most of them were built on steep mountains. alongthe way, there were 1232 flood fortresses, tunka, sentry posts, blockhouses,battery, box, gate and countless stone barracks for garrison. at that time,there were about 8000 garrison troops. today, some place names such as alaying,tianxingying, huanglianhe, wangpotun, desheng, qianshiying, zhenwu, etcniudouying and other places with the word "ying" are the main points of garrisonbeside the great wall.




