
时间:2024-01-07 10:01:58 分类:学生心得体会






from the initial to the final questionnaire was finalized, and repeatedly revised many times. to gather more useful information, i designed two sets of questionnaires, covering income and expenditure, rural social security, education, agricultural expenses, land transfer, rural six aspects of management of public affairs. winter break, to the actual investigation. in the small tamura, i was more than 40 families who home visits, issuing a questionnaire, talk with hundreds of villagers. difficulties in the survey that i did not expect: the villagers, speaking in local dialect, some of the details i have to repeatedly communicate to understand; some villagers entered the house to see me close, let me eat a lot of "cold shoulder"; some villagers are willing to provide account book apparently began, then changed their mind and i had not delivered; some villagers do not know the word, over and over again i only read it to them the questionnaire to explain, to complete the investigation; irrespective of the the attitude, i have the most enthusiastic attitude towards active, patiently explaining things over and over again, day off, i can not say any more. collected a wealth of first-hand information, i used the knowledge from books to start further statistical analysis, report writing. under the guidance of a teacher in the li haiwei, i have repeatedly modified the survey. submitted to the institute to participate in the school#39;s game, the field grade "challenge cup" philosophy and social sciences prize. recommend the school to participate in the municipal race. when he learned i was in tianjin "challenge cup" philosophy and social class grand prize, my joy beyond words. i deeply thank those who guided me, encouraged me, given me to help the teachers!

students have joked around, wen jie was the gift of organization and leadership, only the most clear my mind, and now all the success and excellent work from the usual groping accumulated. while in high school was named outstanding student leaders city, but entered college, i know the work of the university of the requirements of their own higher quality, more effort. started going to school, i trust by the teachers and students, as a branch secretary of economics 056 class group. i am able to realistically accomplish their own work, planning organizations, many colorful activities such as mid-autumn festival dinner, fall camp bbq; to celebrate the "shenzhou vi" smooth launch, organized features of "shenzhou vi launch celebrate" group day; launched the class members to participate in "advocating that truth, the way honest people, to keep members advanced nature" of speech contests, participate in this society, "12 9" paper collection, visit the memorial hall week to participate in caucus contests of knowledge, "three a day of" social practice; for the construction of tianjin binhai new area design "for the coastal or suggestions i am," the paper collection activities; for school teaching evaluation and construction, to carry out "members advanced education" activities; times, organized the "eight honors and eight shames" theory learning activities to improve the quality of our theory; evaluation to the stage in my school, the school organized a clear display of small ad groups day, and was reported tianjin university of commerce reports, etc. . through these activities effectively to promote the unity of the class atmosphere, enhancing the cohesion of classes, i also received the "tianjin university of commerce outstanding member" of the title. in the period i was the mission secretary, through our joint efforts, my class with honors classes with a good wind, and twice received the "outstanding tianjin university of commerce in class" "tianjin university of commerce 优秀团支部" the glorious title . 06,07-year economic and trade academy games, my class were given a "spiritual award" "group total second" good results. apart from serving as secretary, the reform of college freshman, i joined the organization department of tianjin business school students participate in academic organizations on gold, reading festival, sports festival and other activities. i also joined the tianjin university of commerce council of social service public relations, with a series of good performance, was named "tianjin university of commerce associations excellent officer." i also joined the tianjin university of commerce of deng xiaoping theory and the "three represents" thought so, my practical work hard are all recognized, was named "tianjin university of commerce of deng xiaoping theory and the #39;three represents#39; important thought of officers will be fine. " my big theory as vice minister of this society, successfully organized a series of theoretical learning activities, was named "tianjin university of commerce of deng xiaoping theory and #39;three represents#39; research outstanding cadres."





















当然,美中肯定有不足,我的不足之处就是很马虎,天天在家里找东西,今天戴的手表,明天就找不着了,什么东西都到处乱放。唉!家里人都拿我没办法,别看我在生活中很马虎,可我做题并不马虎,我能细心检查每道题。但是,偶尔也会有粗心的时候,就像我那次做题,因为不认真审题,卷子上明明要求化简比,我却做成求比值了! 惨阿,晕阿,faint!就因为这个,老师给我扣了4分。经过这好几次的教训,我今后一定要改正马虎这个坏习惯,牛可不是吹的哦!相信我吧!





