
时间:2024-08-08 10:01:12 分类:学生心得体会




what a great mother, what a wonderful word, how great is her holiday? this month is may, may is a warm month, because the second sunday in may is the world full of warm mother's day!

is the mother's day is full of warmth, but love is pure, it is a spiritual seed; love is beautiful, it is the most sweet honey million cans; love is warm, it is the brightest light 10000 gold; love is in different poses and with different expressions she has all the power. at the moment, greatly inspired you!

there is always one person who will support us, and there is always a kind of love that makes us heartache. this man is a mother, and this love is mother's love. the mother is great, and the man bathed in the mother's love is happy.

do you ask yourself: how much do i think about my parents? have you ever noticed your parents' birthday? there are proverbs in the folk: the birthday of the child, the bitterness of the mother. when you celebrate your birthday, have you ever thought of the death of your mother with the pain of death? have you ever made a sincere blessing to the mother who gave birth to your life? we china is an ancient country of civilization, from ancient times to the filial piety, kong ziyan: "the year of the parents, i do not know. one is happy, one is afraid. that is to say, the health of the parents, the children should always be in mind. perhaps a blessing to himself is nothing, but for the parents, this blessing is better than anything, unforgettable, enough to make them full of tears!

yes! the world has become more colorful because of her mother's love. however, things change, but love can give us the magic power, and motherly love will be eternal!

ah! i love mother's day, but i love one more - mother!


today is mother's day, mother seems to forget the festival, breakfast in the morning, and hurried to work. since mom doesn't know it's mother's day, then it's a surprise!

i'm going to help my mother do the housework today and let her be happy when she comes back. i'm looking for dirty clothes, but i don't know what to do. by the way, i will draw a picture of my mother's holiday theme, and give it to my mother. she must like it. i drew it with my heart and drew it at last. i put it in my room, and when my mother comes back, give it to her.

at night, mother came back from work, and she was as busy as the usual housework and cooking. in the evening we had dinner and sat down to watch tv. i asked my mother, do you know what the festival is today? my mother stretched out his tired body and said he didn't know. i take out my work, put it behind me, and then say to my mother mystical, mama's happy holiday! i took out my work and put it on my mother's desk and ran back to my bedroom. i can't sleep in bed, and i guess my mother's mood. thinking, i went into a sweet dream.

when i got up the next morning, my mother smiled and asked me, "daughter, your painting has made progress. mom likes it very much. you know how to care for your parents at such a young age. i'm very happy." then my mother hugged me, touched my head and said, "my daughter is really my jacket".

i know that mother love is great, she has only to give, not to take. in my heart, i was determined to learn to repay my mother's love.


there is only a mother, no mother's child is a grass, a mother's child is a treasure.

i am the treasure of my mother's hand, the prize of my mother's pregnancy in october. whether i am naughty or obedient, as long as i am healthy and happy, mom will be happy.

when i was a child, i always thought i was my mother?

how envious i was when my mother picked me up and held her in my arms when she fell. i was so greedy when i watched the other children on their backs. looking at other children to be favored by the mother, praised, fed, i am so yearning and longing.

but it was not my childhood.

in my childhood memories, even if i fell covered with dirt, i would not stretch my hand to give me a hand; even if i was too tired to walk, my mother would not walk a distance. even if i do well, mom won't praise. this is mom.

at that time, mom was the stepmother i thought.

now think of how ignorant and unreasonable and unreasonable i was at that time.

now i can study in jining two, which is my mother's credit.

there are two major turning points for a student: the first is the midterm exam; the second is the college entrance examination. the midterm exam, for me, is a brand that doesn't go away.

i failed the midterm exam. on the other hand, i succeeded.

in the face of the failure of the examination, i was afraid, and i was very afraid. oh, i'm afraid she'll beat me and scold me. i was afraid that i would never enter the school gate again. so, i cried.

"child, what are you crying for? this is the first time mom called me that. i was silent. "wipe away the tears", i heard the sound, i immediately stopped crying. "cry, cry has what use, the success or failure is a common thing as long as you try your best, i for have you such a brave hard-working daughter, don't cry again. child, stand up! mom hugged me. this is the first time my mother has hugged me. mom from the past hard at that moment, mom's eyes...


in may day, our school organization students with their own mother "mother's day," the teacher asked each student to play games with my mom and dad come to school, feel great maternal love.

on mother's day, my father accompanied me to the training school. mother didn't arrive on time because of her work. because the game is required to be done with my mother, i have been unable to participate in the previous games.

until 9 o 'clock, my mother was in a hurry. when i saw my mother, i couldn't help crying. "baby, why are you crying?" she asked. i said, "my classmates' moms are here. you didn't come." my mother heard this, and then i apologized.

another game began, and the host said, "we have five mothers and their children to play in the middle of the chair game." at that moment, my mother grabbed my hand and ran to the position of the game, the first name of the newspaper.

finally, under the joint efforts of my mother and i, we finally won, won a first prize, i felt my heart like drink the honey, just at that moment, my tears flow down.


when you are sick, you will have a weak body, fever and headache, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, no mouth, and you will feel depressed all day long.

remember once in grade two in the morning, i suddenly hot body weakness, i feel as if i had caught a cold but she has to work, i have to go to school, in the third quarter, more and more uncomfortable with the teacher to me to the clinic for nurse aunt, a temperature high enough to 40 degrees no wonder will be hot and cold, sore and ache all over, the nurse aunt want me to call grandma, grandma leave immediately, put down the task at hand, a taxi with me in a great hurry, take me to the hospital emergency department, after the doctor auscultation, want me to do as x-rays, blood, urinalysis, examination throat, sputum examination results require hospitalization for pneumonia, a cold grandmother hurriedly contact the mother ask for leave to work in a hospital ward care of me.

next to the ward bed is one of only two years old child, his grandparents child and mom and dad always cried ˇ i asked my mother to know is how poor child brain steadily a large lump, well my mother is white angels, give me meticulous care, the injection, the temperature, phlegm, warm water bath, feeding, unconsciously i fell asleep and fever, but mother didn't sleep at night always accompanied me good pain! grandma also prepared delicious and nutritious food for me, let me recover my day back to the third day, the doctor said i could finally after i was released from the hospital to wash their hands often, drink less cold drinks, wear more clothes, to wipe the sweat after a movement. i smiled and said, thank you, doctor, i remember what you said.

the hospitalization let me know that working as a nurse's mother was hard work, sacrificing sleep at night and spending time with family. mom, you are so great! i will never be naughty again, want to eat more, watch tv early to go to bed early to rise to make the body strong, the bacterium, the virus dare not to bully me.

today is mother's day, wish! happy mother's day! mom i love you!


1、there never was a woman like her. she was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness... the memory of my mother and her teachings were, after all, the only capital i had to start life with, and on that capital i have made my way.——andrew jackson (1767—1845)

从来没有一个女人像她那样。她非常温柔,就像一只鸽子;她也很勇敢,就像一头母狮……毕竟,对母亲的记忆和她的教诲是我人生起步的惟一资本,并奠定了我的人生之路。 ——安德鲁·杰克逊

2、a good mother is worth a hundred schoolmaster. ——george herbert(1593—1633)

一位好母亲抵得上一百个教师。 ——乔治·赫伯特

3、youth fades; love droops; the leaves of friendship fall. a mother's secret hope outlives them all.——oliver wendell holmes(1809—1894)?

青春会逝去;爱情会枯萎;友谊的绿叶也会凋零。而一个母亲内心的希望比它们都要长久。 ——奥利弗·温戴尔·荷马

4、god could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers. ——jewish proverb

上帝不能无处不在,因此他创造了母亲。 ——犹太谚语

5、the heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.——balzac (1799—1850)?


6、the most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.——author unknown

父亲能够为孩子所做的最重要的事就是爱他们的母亲。 ——无名氏

7、in all my efforts to learn to read, my mother shared fully my ambition and sympathized with me and aided me in every way she could. if i have done anything in life worth attention, i feel sure that i inherited the disposition from my mother. ——booker t. washington (1881—1915)?

在我努力学习阅读的过程中,母亲一直分享着我的抱负、充分理解我,尽她所能帮助我。如果我一生中做了什么值得人们注意的事情,那一定是因为我继承了她的气质。 ——布克·t·华盛顿

8、it seems to me that my mother was the most splendid woman i ever knew... i have met a lot of people knocking around the world since, but i have never met a more thoroughly refined woman than my mother. if i have amounted to anything, it will be due to her.——charles chaplin(1889—1977)?

对我而言,我的母亲似乎是我认识的最了不起的女人……我遇见太多太多的世人,可是从未遇上像我母亲那般优雅的女人。如果我有所成就的话,这要归功于她。 ——查尔斯·卓别林


today is may 13th, that is mother's day. the weather was good, but there was no hot sun, the cool wind blows on the face, feeling a little cold.

morning, i happy on the interest class, almost forgotten today is mother's day, the teacher reminded everybody, that we remember, at noon, we had put science, returned home, i was alone in the living room like: today is mother's day, mom send what gift things? today is mother's day, mother seems to forget the festival, breakfast in the morning, and then hurried away. since mother does not know that today is mother's day, then she will give her a surprise at noon. i think, after consultation with father, finally made the decision to send, to a bunch of beautiful flowers, decided to plus a beautiful cards, we will "start", first of all, i put the wrapping paper, selling flowers package on the fine then, and i in the online excerpt some advice about mother's day, my copied down, with some good music, then put the cards and flowers on the table, i put the mother to the table, as the beautiful sound of music, i also read the can't help "when it rains the day will be your shadow in my mind, you for me......." is such a scenario, i with emotion, the beautiful, beautiful poem, read to the mother to listen, read, one family, immersed in the joy and laughter, after lunch, nap, in the evening, our family happily visited the mall.

the great mother's love is shown here, selfless, warm, affectionate, warm, broad and inclusive.

today's mother's day, i spent this way, happy, after the mother's day, i will certainly give mother more surprises!


time has come to mother's day in 2012.

mother, he is hardworking all his life, our team is very grateful to him. in order to mother's day thanksgiving, thanks to my mother, i made a decision to take her to the countryside to take her to the mountains, mountain climbing, and feel the freshness of nature. she gladly agreed, too, and she was pleased.

early this morning, we got up and we made some preparations: brought some snacks, water, parcels and so on. we walked more than ten minutes, came to the bus platform. we are going to do the bus to the inlet of meiling scenic area.

this bus is very difficult ah, probably because too many people go out to play today.

we waited for 40 minutes, and every time the bus was full of cars, we finally got one, but at last it was half dead. but at last it was crowded.

at the end of a bumpy road, arrived meiling scenic area. oh, sure enough, there were so many people ah, there are a lot of cars parked in the area of the door, looked really much on mother's day with his mother to visit meiling people ah.

we found the ticket office and bought the tickets. we went in together.

scenic area is really crowded, but also has the taste of crowded crowded, everyone together to enjoy the scenery, thanksgiving mother is not very good, we all appreciate the scenery, chatting together, the motherland beautiful rivers and mountains of a country nice ah, at noon we again scenic area to eat, simple afternoon stroll under the afternoon we went back, home.

hope mother can play happily, mother of the former world can live long and happy!




